First-Time Families
With camp offerings for every age, ability, and interest, kids and teens have the best summer ever at MJCCA Day Camps! Campers make lifelong friends, learn something new, and gain self-confidence and independence in a safe, warm, and nurturing environment.
We understand that while camp is exciting, it can sometimes be very confusing to navigate. That’s why we want to provide you with all the information you’ll need to make sure your child has the best summer ever!
Quick Links
- Extended Care & Transportation: What you need to know about getting to and from camp
- What to Bring to Camp: How to make sure your child(ren) are prepared for camp
- Parent Communication: Keeping in touch with your child at camp
- Camper Health: Our commitment to safe, healthy campers
- Food at Camp: MJCCA Day Camps’ policy on food packages
- Free Swim at Camp: More information about daily open swim
- Sample Itinerary: A typical day at MJCCA Day Camps for Camp Isidore Alterman
- Registration Policies: Policies and procedures regarding camp registration
- Purchase Camp Labels: 25% of your order helps support MJCCA Day Camps!
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact MJCCA Day Camps.